Did you know ?

If you are taxed on your income in Romania, you can ask the Romanian tax authorities to pay 2% of the amount of your tax on your behalf to the NGO of your choice.  Since the amount is directly deduced from your taxes due to the state, this generous act would cost you nothing at all! For an association like ours which thrives only on private donations, it is an important source of financing that allows them to function.

So this year, think about the children of Valentina Romania, who greatly need your help to get better life!

In order to contribute, please find the instructions below :

  • If you are employee or pensioner, print and fill the following form 230 – income 2017
  • If you are an own-account professional, print and fill the following  form 200 – income 2017
  • Sign at the bottom of the document (‘semnatura contribuabil’)
  • Present or send the document before May 25, 2018, by registered mail to the tax administration to which you belong, or easier, directly to Valentina Romania, Str. Dârste nr. 4, sector 5, 050261, Bucuresti

If you prefer, you may also get in touch with a Valentina representative in order to receive guidance in the procedure. Do not hesitate to spread the word and act! Your action is helpful as it allows the children at Valentina to pursue their schooling at best and build a better future for themselves.

Thank you on behalf of the 100 children of the casa Valentina!

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