My bag is so beautiful! Here’s a geometry kit! My pencil case is very colorful… These are just some of the thoughts expressed by our children at the beginning of the school year when, with emotion, they waited their turn to receive the school bag. As every year, this year too, we managed, with the help of our partners, to […]
In August, 25 children between the ages of 8 and 17 had the joy of living in a «fantastic world». This was the theme of the camp organized in Odobești, Vrancea county, a personal development camp designed to help children discover and experience new things as well as their own talents and qualities. We were accompanied by an art teacher, […]
Friday 10 September 2021 was the eve of the new school year. The day was therefore very busy at Casa Valentina. The morning began with the distribution of school bags to kindergarten children. The day of 60 children, from 3 to 7 years old, which are benefiting from the pre-school assistance program of Valentina Romania, was brightened up. Indeed, each […]
Since July, we have implemented a project on children’s rights. The project ‘Children’s rights’ has been implemented thanks to the French embassy and the French Institute in Romania. The International Convention on the Rights of the Child states fundamental principles and rights, which have become the guiding principles of the association Valentina. Therefore, we believe that all children […]
These are beautiful days for our children through the good deeds and generosity of the association’s partners! Today we are talking about Magazinele Next, a partner that has chosen to financially and materially support our educational projects. Thus, during the state of emergency, we managed to offer the children food packages, hygiene kits of strict necessity but also clothing, offered […]
Educația este cheia reușitei, iar partenerii noștri fideli susțin cauza noastră. Acesta este și cazul firmei Ipso Agricultura, care prin politicile sale de responsabilitate socială a ales să susțină și misiunea asociației noastre, ofernd acces la educație pentru copiii cu venituri reduse.
We had laughter and happiness, smiles and the kids were enjoying everything to the fullest. Over 100 children, were here with their parents or grandparents and together with Valentina, they received the special gifts, prepared for the new school year. By these means, we would like to thank our sponsors: Telus, Engie and IBM for their involvement and generosity. Without […]
Did you know ? If you are taxed on your income in Romania, you can ask the Romanian tax authorities to pay 2% of the amount of your tax on your behalf to the NGO of your choice. Since the amount is directly deduced from your taxes due to the state, this generous act would cost you nothing at all! For […]
The Valentina Association is essentially focused on providing scholastic support to children, however we also aim to improve the lives of the families of those children in need, specifically in cases of emergency. During one of my visits together with our social assistant in the Ferentari neighborhood, shortly before Christmas, we witnessed the condition of extreme distress in which a […]
MIA (Mama In Actiune) is a subsidiary organization of the Valentina association created to support marginalized families of Bucharest’s Ferentari neighborhood. MIA has in its aims to effectively achieve social and professional reinsertion through sewing training at the Casa Valentina for mothers of the Ferentari neighborhood. Their children are also integrated into the scholastic support program at Valentina in order […]