VALENTINA’s action began in FRANCE in 1995, thanks to a group of French and Romanians, which were eager to help as many Romanian orphans as they could.
Under the leadership of Elizabeth de La Palme, founder of the association and member of the organization Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris, Valentina was officially created in 1999 and recognized as a “Specialized Association” of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.
Over time, as the problems evolved, the action has focused on education through academic and social support. Therefore, “Valentina România” was created in 2002, with the aim of helping 60 preschool children and 40 older children each year.
Since 2016, Valentina România has been in touch with some of the Saint Vincent de Paul’s lectures in Bucharest.

How does Valentina act in France, despite being far away from the Casa and Bucharest?
- Active participation in the governance of Valentina-Romania, through regular meetings or video-conferences.
- Fundraising jointly with Valentina-Romania, which involves 6 people (3 in Bucharest and 3 in Paris region): a broad action in Romania and files for targeted foundations in France or abroad.
- A network: “Valentina’s friends”, created in 2013. Around 200 people are making regular donations.
- Events: Valentina develops some user-friendly and cultural events that help to the development of the activities in Romania, both financially and in terms of communication.
This structure is thus completly dedicated to action on the ground in Romania.
How to contact Valentina in France:
- Xavier de Carmantrand (PRESIDENT) / / 0661540688
- Sophie Bray (COMMUNICATION) / / 0635787169