Thanks to the association “Bucar’Help”, a very important moment took place on the 9th of April : nearby 70 children took part to a sportive day ! They were invited to the sport area “Ion Tiriac” for having fun and sharing sport values, such as team spirit, trenscendence, respect and friendliness. All the materials needed for this day were been borrowed by Décathlon.
Bucar’Help is an association funded by 5 french students of the IESEG School of Management, in Lille (France). Because of one of them has lived during 10 years in Bucharest, the group feels very concerned by Valentina Romania’s work. Since its birth in 2015, Bucar’Help offered school supplies and winter clothes to Casa’s children. With this sportive day, they also leaded a fundraising operation in order to finance one month of daily meals for the children.