The Valentina Association is launching its first project of participative financing under the Ulule platform, which will allow 14 disadvantaged families in a poor neighborhood of Bucharest to improve their living conditions. Our aim is to obtain enough funds to allow the buying of necessary materials for renovating bathrooms that are in poor condition. In this program members of the […]
The MIA team (a tailoring workshop for reintegration by the Association Valentina Romania) organized on 20 March a special day for celebrating the spring at the MIA showroom. Around a hundred visitor discovered the new creations of the workshop, as well as enjoyed a number of events organized on this occasion: a tombola with prizes to win, a make-up animation […]
Discover 13 years of the association in pictures by clicking here. For 13 years the Valentina Association provides access to education for children from disadvantaged families in Ferentari neighborhood. The convictions in which we believe guide our daily actions. To celebrate this great birthday we have developed a new website. You will discover here our news, our actions and all […]
On the first day of winter holiday, Saturday 20th of Decmeber, we all gathered at “Princess Margaret” school , our traditional host for Christmas festivity. Christmas fairy told us the story of the first Christmas and her friends, Pongo the clown and Mira the dog, delighted us with their funny acrobatics.
Of course Santa Klaus was there to bring nice presents […]
On Monday, the Elvira Popoescu Hall at the French Institute in Bucharest was packed and cheered for Medeea Marinescu and Marius Manole, her scene partner. The two talented actors have offered a representation of their play “Fa-mi loc!” (Make me some room!), a sparkling comedy that delighted the French and Romanian audience. More that 150 tickets were sold to the […]
For a couple of years now I’ve been a « patron » for an NGO called “Asociatia Valentina ” which helps the kids leaving in the impoverished areas of District 5, Bucharest. These are children coming from very poor families, with often illiterate and unemployed parents living on social benefits only. What is Valentina doing for them? It pays the pre-school fees […]
Valentina Romania Association / All children have the right to a future, help them build it You can support the families living in Ferentari (District 5, Bucharest), particularly in fighting against school drop out. WE ARE HERE TO: -support a hundred children from 3 to 16 years in their every-day education for a brighter future -maintain and host the “Casa […]
“The year 2013 was marked by the Xavier and Béatrice de Carmantrand’s departure at the end of July, after two years of service to Casa Valentina. The presence of a couple in an environment consisting of women and children is an advantage that gave the centre a family spirit. Xavier brought his experience in management and a male presence with […]